As an experienced wedding celebrant, I definitely recommend that couples have a wedding rehearsal. There are a number of reasons why I recommend that a rehearsal is arranged and as you read on, you will see why. Your timing will be impeccable and your grand entrance...
Wedding MC Tips
Celebrant Tips
Real Weddings
Wedding Day Coordinator
Wedding Planning
Wedding Season is Back
With wedding season well and truly back into full swing, ok, I know numbers still aren’t infinite, but bookings are coming in thick and fast for all suppliers across the industry. In fact, this wedding season will go down in history as record breaking, with the...
Let’s Get Your Wedding Party Started!
There is such a buzz in the air around here, so I thought this was the perfect time to stop keeping it to myself and share some very exiting news with everyone. As a wedding celebrant, over the past few months, I have been extremely busy collaborating with other...
Do We Cancel, Postpone or Go Ahead?!
OMGosh, just when we thought it was safe to start thinking that life as we knew it, could possibly be returning – and in the blink of an eye, life starts going in the opposite direction again. I’m not sure about you, but I am feeling a little angry about it all (ok,...
Congratulations On Your Engagement, Wedding Planning Here We Come
Congratulations on your engagement! Such an amazing time that evokes feelings of so much love, excitement and begins many plans for your future. Families and friends are over the moon at such joyous news and want to tell everybody they talk to about your new...